Wealthy, isolated, and incredible beaches: Perth Crypto City Guide

This “Crypto City” guide looks at Perth’s crypto culture, the city’s most notable projects and people, its financial infrastructure, what retailers accept crypto and where you can find blockchain education courses — along with a history of its crypto controversies.

City: Perth
Country: Australia
Population: 2.14M
Established: 1829

Jump to: Crypto culture, Projects and companies, Financial infrastructure, Where can I spend crypto? Education, Controversies and collapses, Notable figures.

About Perth

Perth is the most isolated major city in the world and is situated in Western Australia, miles away from anywhere else in the country. In fact, it’s around three hours behind the east coast cities of Melbourne and Sydney and shares a time zone with Singapore, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

It’s one of the wealthiest parts of the country and rakes in heaps of cash from its iron ore mines. The state holds about 98% of Australia’s iron ore and contributed 38% of the worldwide supply in 2022.

The Perth city skyline. (Pexels)

Loads of people from Perth — AKA Perthians, Perthites or Sandgropers — are “Fly In Fly Out” mine workers. They jet off to the Pilbara region, 1,200 kilometers north, to grind hard in the mines for two weeks and make a stack of cash before heading back home for a “well-deserved two-week break.”

And Perth is not a terrible place to spend a fortnight in, given the city sees an average of eight hours of sunlight per day and boasts a coastline that stretches 123 kilometers.

Perth has also produced some of Hollywood’s most successful actors, including Heath Ledger, Sam Worthington, Isla Fisher and Melissa George.

Perth grabbed the global spotlight during the COVID-19 chaos by closing its borders even to its own residents and carrying on as normal.

While the world was going through lockdowns and chaos, Perth threw music festivals and even stole the coveted Australian Football League (AFL) grand final from Melbourne.

Perth’s crypto…


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